Subnautica Wiki

You read the title, so let's get it on. Ah, no, dammit! Th-that's not what I meant! F-forget it...

5. Static Terrain

We all know that Dynamic Terrain SUUUUCKS. Static Terrain is a gift from heaven, from the great Coryus Strayderus. I mean, come on! 95% (roughly) reduction in save file size? A functioning PRAWN Suit without it falling through the ground? Better performance? Shut up and take my money!

4. Story

Hell yeah! A story! A sci-fi, badass, awesome story! Aliens, mystery, beasts, viruses, and so much more! I'm not gonna explain all of it, because then this post would be a mile long. Go look some of it up if your curious.

3. Warpers

My second favorite fauna. (After the Emperor, duh.) They are just so cewwwwl! My theory is that they are just exterminators, keeping the environment safe. Hence why they have different "modes". I heard they're being implemented next April-wait, WHAT?! *Groooan* DAMN YOU, CORY!!

2. The Emperor

So majestic... so beautiful... so freakin' HUUGE!! I'm actually really scared of this thing, but at the same time, I'm not. Is that just me? Yeah, it's probably me. ANYWAY, I want to save this big lug. It's kept in the prison against it's will. Me being an animal lover, it tugs on my heartstrings... before ripping them to shreds because it's size is spoopy.


Was that really a question? I can't wait for that stuff. Soo hy----------------------------- ERROR #A1Z26: INITIATE DATA TRANSFER: 23-5 11-14-15-23 23-8-1-20 25-15-21 1-18-5 16-12-1-14-14-9-14-7 15-14 4-15-9-14-7. 9-20 23-9-12-12 14-15-20 23-15-18-11, 25-15-21 6-15-15-12-19. 25-15-21 23-9-12-12 6-1-9-12, 1-14-4 2-5 6-5-4 20-15 20-8-5 19-5-1 4-18-1-7-15-14-19 20-8-1-20 16-1-20-18-15-12 14-5-1-18 15-21-18 6-1-3-9-12-9-20-9-5-19. 8-1-22-5 1 14-9-3-5 12-9-6-5...
